

Whether it is to protect your home, your family or yourself.

Aitken Financial services has access to the most comprehensive policies on the market.

There are so many options when it comes to insurance so make sure you get expert advice to find the perfect policy for you.

mother and daughter under umbrella

Insurance Broker Edinburgh

Our Areas of Expertise


Life insurance offers a financial safety net for your family, providing a lump sum payment in the unfortunate event of your death. It's a long-term, tax-efficient policy, securing your family's financial future. Protect those closest to you with Life Insurance.

Critical Illness Cover

Critical Illness Cover provides lump sum payment if you're diagnosed with a specified critical illness, like cancer, stroke, or heart attack. This financial support can help cover the cost of lost income, pay down debts or support your family.

Income Protection

Income Protection insurance is a policy that pays out a regular income if you're unable to work due to illness or injury. This financial safety net helps cover your essential bills and maintain your lifestyle, providing peace of mind and financial security when you need it most.

Family Income Benefit

Family Income Benefit is a type of life insurance and/or critical illness cover that provides a regular, tax-free income to your dependents if you pass away during the policy term. This steady income stream helps maintain your family's standard of living, ensuring their financial security and stability during a challenging time.

Private Medical Insurance

Private Medical Insurance covers the cost of private healthcare, from diagnosis to treatment. It offers quick access to medical services at a wide choice of facilities, ensuring you receive timely and personalised healthcare when you need it.

Buildings & Contents Insurance

Buildings and Contents Insurance is a comprehensive policy that protects your property and your belongings inside it. It provides financial coverage against damage from incidents like fires, theft and accidents, ensuring your home and valuable possessions are protected against unforeseen circumstances.

Landlord's Insurance

Landlord's Insurance is a policy designed to cover property owners from financial losses connected with rental properties. It typically provides coverage for property damage, liability costs, and loss of rental income, providing peace of mind and financial protection for landlords in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

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